Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Logos, logos, who's got the logo.

If you're a repeat viewer of my website, you have probably noticed a few changes in the past couple of weeks. I'm referring to my logo, or rather, the evolution of my logo.

I decided that I wanted to "brand" myself with a logo. You know, kind of like "Pepsi" or "Apple". I figured that folks would rather have something simple and easy to remember when they woke up in the morning with "photographer" on their mind. And lets face it, I'm sure that all of you have probably thought at one time or another "hey...I need a really good photographer to shoot some photos of me eating breakfast today!". Ok, maybe that's stretching it a bit but I know many of you have had the thought; "I need a great wedding photographer" or portrait photographer or whatever.

So I set out to come up with a clean, easy to view and classy logo for my business.

My first go at designing my own logo was.....well....lets just say that I'm a much better photographer than I am a graphic artist. Here's the result.


It's not bad. My wife actually liked it, but a focus group of my peers unanimously shot it down.

So this was the next attempt.


Again, I think it's pretty cool but it doesn't work well as a watermark for my images or my website. So the logo failboat set sail again.

This was the next design. I rather liked it but my focus group did not.


Finally, I had a "real" graphic designer come up with something for me. Tony Hoffer, a wonderful photographer and graphic designer out of Philadelphia, designed the logo that you now see on my website.


This will become my new watermark on all my images that I post here and elsewhere.


I like it. My focus group likes it as well. It's clean, simply, and easy to remember.

So the next time you wake up and you've got "photographer" on your mind instead of "do I want oatmeal or pancakes for breakfast", all you need remember is "Colman". Now, do you think I should add "tastes great and less filling" after my name?

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